“State legal policy: current challenges and future trends”

“State legal policy: current challenges and future trends”

09.04.2021, 09:28

The pandemic associated with the spread of COVID-19 has radically changed the previously established mechanisms of public administration. The State authorities had to switch to the so-called “manual management mode” in order to quickly respond to emerging challenges, including through the adoption of extraordinary legal measures.

In this regard, the justice authorities urgently had to create an adequate legal framework for the measures taken to mitigate the crisis situation during the pandemic. In this respect, the role of the judicial authorities in the system of state bodies has significantly increased.

At the present stage of development, the justice authorities will have to find answers to new challenges. First of all, it is necessary to analyze the current working methods, draw lessons from the existing situation, and form optimal rules to ensure that the law is ready for future changes.

The International Legal Forum “Tashkent Law Spring” will be a unique platform for a comprehensive discussion of current challenges and future trends in the field of state legal policy.

The participation of the Ministers of Justice of Azerbaijan, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Russia, Uzbekistan, Singapore and a number of other countries will allow to exchange experience and discuss the following topical issues facing the justice authorities:

- review of working methods in the direction of ensuring the flexibility of legislation and reducing the regulatory burden, primarily on business and investment activities;

- systematization of legislation by the "regulatory guillotine" method, incorporation and consolidation of legal norms, as well as optimization of technical regulation;

- ensuring the openness and inclusiveness of rule-making activities through further expansion of the digitalization of law, effective use of the capabilities of modern information and communication technologies;

- ensuring the stability of legislation by preparing high-quality draft laws that equally meet the interests of the state, business and society;

- ensuring the readiness of the law for future changes by using such modern forecasting methods as foresight analysis, legislative planning, regulatory impact assessment and others.


