“Digital opportunities for ensuring the openness of public authorities”

“Digital opportunities for ensuring the openness of public authorities”

09.04.2021, 09:34

As is known, at present, states are gradually moving into the digital era of development. In this regard, the improvement of various instruments of the public administration system is required. Ensuring the openness of the activities of state bodies is one of the important methods for the democratization of the public administration system in any state.

Within the framework of the ongoing reforms in Uzbekistan, the openness of the activities of state bodies plays a crucial role in ensuring guarantees of the right to receive information about their activities. In this regard, one of the main directions of the the National Action Strategy on Five Priority Development Areas in 2017-2021 is to ensure the transparency and openness in the work of state agencies., the introduction of modern forms of providing information regarding the rights, freedoms and legitimate interests of individuals and legal entities.

In addition, the Concept of Administrative Reform in the Republic of Uzbekistan establishes that ensuring transparency and openness of the activities of executive authorities, introducing modern forms of providing information to individuals and legal entities, eliminating unnecessary administrative costs in interacting with society and business is a priority task of creating a completely new, efficient and a well-functioning public administration system in Uzbekistan.

In order to implement large-scale measures in this area, the introduction of modern digital technologies is required to ensure an increase in the level of openness and transparency of the activities of state bodies and citizens’ satisfaction with the quality of public administration.

Taking into account the above, one session of the II International Legal Forum “Tashkent Law Spring” is devoted to the issues of ensuring the openness of the activities of state bodies through the introduction of digital technologies. Within the framework of the session, it is planned to discuss such topical issues as:

– improvement of legislation in the field of ensuring the openness of the activities of state bodies;

– effective mechanisms for the use of modern digital technologies in the activities of state bodies;

– effective strategies for ensuring information transparency of state bodies;

– measures to increase the efficiency of interaction between government bodies, civil society institutions and the media;

– modern mechanisms for providing universal access to state information services.

The session will be attended by representatives of influential foreign organizations with extensive experience in public administration and digitalization of public services. For example, the speakers for this session will be the Chief International Adviser on Digital Technologies, the representative of the Digital Service of the UK Government – Jude Hanan, the member of the Estonian Academy of Sciences – Lauri Melxo, Chairman of the AIFC Advisory Council
on the Development of LegalTech, Co-founder of Oxford Deep Tech Dispute Resolution Lab (Oxford, UK) – Mark Beer Obe and Senior Research Fellow
in Public International Law and Human Rights, University of Tartu Faculty of Law – Merilin Kivorig.


