“Protection of Intellectual Property: Modern Challenges, Ways to Overcome them”

“Protection of Intellectual Property: Modern Challenges, Ways to Overcome them”

10.04.2021, 11:04
Intellectual Property Protection is a factor that positively affects the economic growth of any country, the creation of diversified enterprises and, 

as a result, the creation of many jobs, as well as an increase in the investment attractiveness of each country.
            It should be noted that one of the main directions of the National Action Strategy on Five Priority Development Areas in 2017-2021 is the development and liberalization of the economy, including the further development of intellectual property and consumer protection, as well as increasing the transparency of procedures for registering of rights to trademarks, industrial designs and the granting of patents.
            Furthermore, today one of the main issues is the implementation of wide measures on intellectual property protection, study of international experience, improvement of national intellectual property legislation, prevention of violations in this area and the formation a sense of respect for intellectual property in society.

Taking into account the above, one session of the II International Legal Forum “Tashkent Law Spring” is  dedicated to “Protection of Intellectual Property: Modern Challenges, Ways to OvercomeThem”. Within the framework of the session,
it is planned to discuss such topical issues as:

            - Countering Counterfeit Products: Existing Practices and New Challenges;
            - “Ex officio” and Customs Enforcement of Intellectual Property Rights; 
            - Protection of Intellectual Property in the Digital Environment;
            - Improvement of Activity of Collective Management Organization of Copyrights and Related Rights;
            - Geographical Indications in Europe and Central Asia. Experience of FAO Regional Office for Europe and Central Asia and Plans for 2021-2022;
            - Agricultural Business Development and Role of Products with Geographical Indications: Tools, Mechanisms and Benefits;
            - Geographic Indicators are a Tool for Promoting High Quality Agricultural Products.
            The session will be attended by representatives of international organizations with extensive experience in the field of intellectual property protection. In particular, the speakers for this session will be the Head of the Section for Caucasian, Central Asia and Eastern European Countries Division, the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) – Ilya Gribkov, the Legal Adviser of the Building Respect for Intellectual Property Division, WIPO – Samer Al-Tarawneh, the Legal Counsellor of the Building Respect for Intellectual Property Division, WIPO – Thomas Dillon, Professor of the University of Ljubljana, International Expert on Intellectual Property, Slovenia – Bojan Pretner, Representative of the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) - Dmitry Zvyagintsev and FAO International Experts - Irina Kireeva and  Ozden Ilkhan.


