Regulatory impact assessment and anticorruption expertise

Regulatory impact assessment and anticorruption expertise

10.04.2021, 11:11

The efficiency and quality of state regulation is one of the most important factors for the success of the ongoing socio-economic reforms. Therefore, it is necessary to establish a systematic approach that allows to ensure high quality at all stages of legal drafting.

Poor regulation has a negative impact on the well-being of society and
the state, leads to excessive costs for businesses and citizens, further complicates
the process of public administration and increases the risk of corruption.

As regulatory acts impact on interests of various segments of society, it is important that within the process of their development to identify and eliminate
the possible negative outcomes of these acts for certain group of people as well as corruption generating factors.

In international practice, regulatory impact assessment is a widely used institution that serves as an effective tool in identifying and eliminating unreasonable and inappropriate decisions at the stage of adopting a document, assessing whether the introduced regulation will achieve its goals, as well as in evaluating its possible consequences.

In this regard, one of the sessions of the II International Legal Forum “Tashkent Law Spring” is devoted to the issues of regulatory impact assessment and anti-corruption expertise. The following major topics are planned to be discussed during the session:

– The practice of “quality regulation” in the European Union;

– Regulatory Impact Analysis in OECD Countries: Challenges for developing countries;

– From Red Tape to Smart Tape;

– The new RIA system of Uzbekistan: strategic role, achievements and challenges;

– Institute of criminological (Anti-Corruption) expertise in the Republic
of Belarus: formation, practice, development.

The session will be attended by representatives of leading foreign organizations with extensive experience in effective regulation and analysis
of legislation, including experts from the European Commission, Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, Prosecutor General's Office of the Republic of Belarus.


