"Electronic notary – a look into the future"

"Electronic notary – a look into the future"

10.04.2021, 11:25

The President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Sh. Mirziyoyev adopted the "Action Strategy for the five priority areas of development of the Republic of Uzbekistan for 2017–2021."

The main objectives of this "Strategy of Action" are to improve the system of state and society building, ensure the rule of law and further reform the judiciary, economic development and liberalization, social development, security, interethnic harmony and religious tolerance, and setting mutually beneficial and practical foreign policy priorities. The document also addresses the issues of radical improvement of the quality of legal aid and legal services provided to the population, as well as the reform of the notarial sector.

The President signed Resolution No. 3741 “On measures to further improve the notarial system as an institution aimed at conflict prevention” on May 25, 2018 in accordance with the "Strategy of Action" and to increase the role and importance of the notarial institution in the protection of the rights and legitimate interests of individuals and legal entities, as well as to improve the quality of notarial services provided to the population.

Therefore, to improve the quality and efficiency of notarial services provided to the population, to prevent long queues in notary offices, to introduce modern innovative and information and communication technologies, to establish interdepartmental electronic cooperation, to ensure the proper performance of their functions by notaries an effective mechanism for monitoring the implementation, especially the full formation of remote control methods, is one of the priorities.

In order to implement these large-scale measures, it is necessary to introduce modern digital technologies in the field of notaries, that is, to set an electronic notarial system.

Based on the above, one of the sessions of the II International Legal Forum "Tashkent Law Spring" was dedicated to "Electronic notary - a look into the future." The following topical issues are planned to be discussed during the session:

- "Safe technology of electronic storage of documents and remote notarization"

- "Digital Notary of Russia: Achievements and Prospects" - an effective means of ensuring information transparency in government agencies;

- "Remote notarization of notarial acts: how to maintain the reliability of civil relations?"

- "Features of the implementation of "e-notary" in Ukraine"

- "Instructions on Remote Notarization" of the International Union of Notaries

- "Remote action and remote appearance"

- "Block chain technology"

Representatives of foreign organizations and foreign countries with extensive experience in the field of electronic notaries and the introduction of modern digital technologies will attend in the session.

For example, in this session, the Chief Representative for International Relations of the Federal Chamber of Notaries of Germany - Richard Bock, President of the Russian Notary Chamber - Konstantin Korsik, President of the Lithuanian Notary Chamber - Maryus Strachkaitis, President of the Notary Chamber of Ukraine - Vladimir Marchenko, Me Carlo Alberto Marcoz, Chairman of the Working Group on New Technologies of the International Union of Notaries - Veronica Kormann, Legal Adviser for International Affairs of the Federal Chamber of Notaries of Germany, the representative of the French Notary Chamber - Dejua Antoine will attend.


