“Tashkent Law Spring” has its own Wikipedia page.

“Tashkent Law Spring” has its own Wikipedia page.

05.02.2020, 09:23

It is known that the Wikipedia is free-contented popular online encyclopedia around the world. The Wikipedia online web-site was created by Jimmi Uels and Lari Sangerlar. Since its creation on January 15, 2001, Wikipedia has grown rapidly into one of the largest reference websites.

Nowadays there is in Wikipedia more than 20 billion articles in 307 languages, including in uzbek and in  karakalpak languages.

Due to Wikipedia includes articles from different kind of spheres, this web-site is widely used by many students. The quantity of articles in inline encyclopedia is becoming more and more. Particularly, Wikipedia has around 134 articles in uzbek language.

Among billion of articles you can also find information about the International Law Forum “Tashkent Law Spring” that was in 2019. This page consists of purpouses, titles of sessions and events of International Law Forum.

These days people from different countries have opportunity to search about “Tashkent Law Spring”.


