Journey from “Tashkent Law Spring” to Samarkand

Journey from “Tashkent Law Spring” to Samarkand

07.02.2020, 14:26

As it was informed earlier, the organizers of the International Legal Forum “Tashkent Law Spring” developed a cultural program for the famous cities of Uzbekistan. Worldwide well-known lawyers, local and foreign experts will be able to travel around Samarkand, Bukhara, Khiva, Nukus, Tashkent, Ferghana.

According to the latest UNWTO, Uzbekistan is among the top 20 fastest growing tourism destinations in the world. In particular, our country is in the fourth place in the list of fastest growing tourism in the country.

Accordingly, the number of foreigners visiting our country is growing every year. Therefore, improving the quality of guest services is one of the key factors in ensuring that Uzbekistan's tourist destination is at the global level. Samarkand has a special place among the cities that represent the rich history and culture of our country. The ancient city of Central Asia has become a pearl of not only ours, but of all the Eastern countries.

Forum participants will have the opportunity to view the city's great monuments. They will visit the Imam al-Bukhari Memorial Complex, Ghuri Amir Mausoleum, Registan Square, Bibikhanim Madrasah, Siyab Market, Mirzo Ulugbek Observatory.

The Imam al-Bukhari Memorial Complex is an architectural monument in Samarkand. The mausoleum where Imam al-Bukhari was buried was one of the most visited shrines of the Muslim population.

The mausoleum of Amir Temur - considered as a unique work of architecture in Central Asia - the construction of which began in 1403 and ended in 1424. The mausoleum was built on an octagonal dome. The mausoleum was built for his grandson Muhammad Sultan, who was declared the successor of Amir Temur.

Registan Ensemble is an architectural complex of the Registan Square in Samarkand consisting of Ulugbek, Tillakori and Sherdor Madrassas. The Registan Ensemble has its colorful tassel ornaments; It is a unique monument of Central Asian architecture with ornaments and huge domes. Registan is a place of ancient science and education, and is one of the most prominent examples of the art of urban planning in the east.

Bibikhonim Madrassah - Architectural Monument in Samarkand, built by the decree of Amir Temur in 1399-1404, is related to the name of Princess Bibikhonim (originally Mrs. Saroymulk). 6 interconnected architectural parts of the mosque are preserved. These are a mosque with a high ceiling in the back of the courtyard, a small copy on both sides, a mosque's deck at the bottom and a minaret to the northwest. Each side of the courtyard has four gates with an outer gate. There are marble floors on the courtyard of the mosque.

Ulugbek Madrassah - was built in 1417-1420 by the order of the ruler of Movarounnahr, the great scientist and astrologer Mirzo Ulugbek. This madrassah is the oldest educational institution in Central Asia. According to Ulugbek's orders, madrassas were built in Bukhara and Gijduvan. The front of the madrassa is facing the square and there is a magnificent canopy, built in strict proportions. Ulugbek Madrasah is one of the largest educational institutions in Central Asia. The madrassa has become a place of education not only religious but also secular: astronomy, mathematics and philosophy.


