Sir Suma Chakrabarti

Sir Suma Chakrabarti

19.04.2021, 11:26

Adviser of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan economic development, effective governance and international cooperation.

Sir Suma Chakrabarti served as President of the EBRD from July 2012 to July 2020.

During his tenure at the EBRD, Sir Suma led the EBRD’s advocacy for market-friendly policy reform, better governance and improved investment climates, engaging personally with the political leaders of the EBRD’s countries of operation and the CEOs of private sector clients.

Sir Suma Chakrabarti holds honorary doctorates from the Universities of Sussex, East Anglia, and the Bucharest University of Economic Sciences.

In July 2020 the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev awarded Sir Suma Chakrabarti with the “Dustlik” order for merits “in establishing strategic partnership and expanding multifaceted cooperation” between Uzbekistan and the EBRD. In October of the same year, he was appointed as Adviser of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan economic development, effective governance and international cooperation.

Sir Suma Chakrabarti will attend one of the sessions of II International Legal Forum “Tashkent Law Spring” called Features Of The System Of Common (English) Law”.


